Apr202020Math with Math FairyMWMF3MWMF4MWMF5MWMFK-2 Try playing one of Math Fairy’s favorite number games = the Japanese number puzzle, Ken-Ken! https://youtube.com/watch?v=D_E-0Rjrfz Fun Math Resources!Check these out daily for updated content! Categories: Math with Math Fairy, MWMF3, MWMF4, MWMF5, MWMFK-2By Mrs. EberlyApril 20, 2020Tags: 123456+additioncomputationdivisionKmultiplicationnumber sensesubtractionPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:5th Grade: April 20 – April 26NextNext post:HandshakesRelated postsMultiplication Table PuzzleJune 9, 2020Soccer & MathJune 9, 2020Multiplication Math Magic!May 27, 2020Math is everywhere!May 26, 2020Read, write, draw, act!May 26, 2020Smart PoemMay 26, 2020