Estimation Nov 9 thru 13
Go HERE to try an estimate with hot cocoa and marshmallows! YUM!
Go HERE to try an estimate with hot cocoa and marshmallows! YUM!
Order the glasses from least to greatest in capacity. Click here to see other estimates or check the solution!
How many cheeseballs will fit in the bowl? Click HERE for other estimates and the solution!
How many pieces of candy corn are in the cup? Check your estimate HERE.
What is the value of all the coins in that bowl?!!! Click HERE to see other estimates and the actual answer —see how close you got!
How many cheeseballs will fit in the tray? Loading…
90 years = 32,850 days = ???minutes After 90 years (32, 850 days), we must say goodbye to one of baseball’s greatest…read more HERE to see who and learn about who this is!
Want to read more about this giant tower?! Read about it by clicking HERE!