Do you just need another lesson on how to add or subtract or multiply or even simplify with fractions and mixed numbers? Take your pick at the list of videos and practice activities following the link below! Choose what you need to work on & practice HERE! ——————————————————————— Do you just want to practice, practice, practice? Play some fraction computation Jeopardy HERE! ——————————————————————— Do you just want a worksheet of practice problems? Take your pick of the fraction problems found HERE! Fun Math Resources!Check these out daily for updated content! Categories: 5th Grade Practice, At Home PracticeBy Mrs. EberlyFebruary 5, 2016Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Fractions & DecimalsNextNext post:Perimeter & AreaRelated postsMultiply, multiply AND divide too!October 5, 2016Multiply, multiply, and multiply some more!October 5, 2016Subtraction, subtraction and more subtraction!October 5, 2016Get ready for a MATH-tastic SUMMER!May 2, 2016PercentsApril 6, 2016MeasurementApril 6, 2016