Kindergarten Example of Rekenrek Activities/Lessons/Ideas Need to remember activities to do with the Rekenrek? Go to rekenrek activities for all your needs, including problem solving! Rekenrek for SMARTBOARD = Yeah! GO HERE to start using 🙂 Ipad App (FREE) for Rekenrek Go HERE to see it on the computer — The Math Learning Center Drawing ideas of Rekenrek Use this rekenrek template Fun Math Resources!Check these out daily for updated content! Categories: Grades K-2, TeacherBy Mrs. EberlySeptember 1, 2016Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Numeration ResourcesNextNext post:Tic-Tac-Toe Sums DirectionsRelated postsGeometry ChallengeMay 11, 20205th Grade: April 20 – April 26April 19, 20204th Grade: April 20 – April 26April 19, 20203rd Grade: April 20 – April 26April 19, 2020K – 2: April 20 – April 26April 19, 20205th Grade: April 13 – April 19April 13, 2020